• Paid Search Agency

    Paid search marketing is one of our many expert digital services, but we’re more than your typical Google Partner Ads agency. We’ll create your strategy and campaigns around your core business goals, connecting you with a wide range of relevant audiences for the greatest return on investment.

    Paid search with BRIGHT looks like

    Desktop search

    Visibility above organically ranking competitors


    Instant results ahead of long-term SEO optimisation

    Add shopping cart

    Google Shopping feed paid ads for greater eCommerce sales

    Conversion path

    High conversion rates due to precise targeting


    Expert management of your controlled spend

    What is paid search marketing?

    Our optimised digital advertising is recognised with an accreditation as an official Google Partner agency. We run targeted Google Ads PPC campaigns in search, display and shopping. Our paid search expertise expands across Microsoft Ads and Yahoo Ads.

    Does PPC work for eCommerce?

    In the hands of our digital marketeers, your paid ads will appear exactly where they should. For clients with ecommerce, this includes ads within Google Shopping results. The high conversion rates achieved by our in-house PPC strategy ensures a demonstrable return on investment.

    How is BRIGHT different to other paid search agencies?

    We don’t have a secret – just expert digital marketeers who know how to strategise like few others. We’ll run a comprehensive campaign that gives you visibility at the many different touchpoints of likely customers. Although it’s a digital service, we work to fulfil real human behaviour and needs.

    Is there a man-hours cost to PPC advertising?

    The most successful paid search marketing is just as reliant on effort and expertise as any other service. If you’d like to devote our team’s time on your account elsewhere, but still want to retain paid ad rewards, we offer an AI-empowered approach. This helps maximise your costs as our client.

    Let's work together

    Get in touch for a free consultation

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